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Activating An Inner Revolution:
Break Free of the Past and Birth a New Future


Do you find yourself saying these things on repeat?

“I’ll learn to say no” 

“I’ll stop working late” 

“I’ll end the relationship” 

“I’ll change my job”

Only to make the change and the same problems show up in your life all over again. 

Would you like to transform your relationships with your family, your friends, your significant other… your work… and your identity?

And would you like to experience true freedom and contentment? 

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you are in the right place.
Sign up to 21 Days of Expansion and experience the energy and vitality to create a real and lasting change in your life.

Introducing 21 Days of Expansion from Hay House author, Nicky Clinch.

21 powerful guided meditations in audio format.

30 minutes every day for 21 days.

To create an internal revolution for an external shift.

This powerful series will guide you to step out of your mind's endless chatter, allow you to drop fully into your being, and connect with the power within you. 

Through Nicky Clinch's unique BodyMind Maturation Method, you will begin to rewire the neural pathways in your brain whilst simultaneously generating powerful energetic and emotional experiences in the body. 

Shift the perceptions you have long identified with AND release stagnant emotional memory from the past.

About Nicky Clinch

Nicky Clinch is a master maturation coach, author and founder of The Academy of Maturation Coaching: The Alchemy of Being. Trained in macrobiotics, Five Elements theory, energy healing alignment, ontological inquiry; Nicky guides people through powerful processes to break free from the stories that are confining them from their past to embody their authentic self and live with a deeper sense of alignment, wholeness and freedom.
I would love for you to be a part of it. All you need to commit to is gifting yourself 30 minutes each day, for 21 consecutive days. 

Together we will raise the frequency of the field that you are standing in. Release the fears, old beliefs and stories you have been entangled with and create a greater sense of spaciousness, inner peace and a new possibility for the future. 

Why 21 Days?

Studies have shown we can begin rewiring neural pathways in the brain by feeding the mind with new perceptions in a repetition of 21 consecutive days. It is also known that in the context of the human condition, the more we resist the experiences within us the more power we give them and the more they live our life.  

During the 21 days will walk you through 21 activations to shift the perceptions within the mind whilst allowing you to lean in and be with the experiences within you. Causing both a dissolving of stories and emotional stuckness to release. Working on both the Body and Mind at once.
Community and Connection
It’s safe to say this has been one of the hardest years we’ve ever had and what is needed now is community, intention, power and healing. This is what we are going to create together in this challenge. 

To actively bring connection, where there has been disconnection and separation.   
And so my invitation to you is to invite one person that you really love or who you think really needs this right now, to either gift it to them or invite them to gift it for themselves.
And for doing this, I am going to gift you with something amazing. 
One pair of friends that shows up with the most engagement in the group and in the lives, is going to win a 1 hour transformational visioning session with me to kickstart your 2022 in the highest frequency.
Click the buttons below to share with your friends.

What You'll Get

The 21 Days of Expansion will guide you through:

The 21 Days of Expansion Programme

22 days (including the introduction day) of Premium Studio-Quality Audio Recordings

Access to Exclusive Online Community

FOUR Live Group Coaching Sessions

With Master Maturation Coach Nicky Clinch

Virtual Accountability Coaching


Daily journaling questions and powerful inquiry processes

You will have access to this for the rest of your life 

What to Expect

  • A re-connection to a deep sense of self, creating a greater sense of empowerment and self-trust.
  • Emotional releases and deep emotional healing as the stuck emotional memory within the body dissolves, releasing the past and creating space for the future.
  • Feelings of hope, inspiration and immense limitless possibility for your life moving forwards.
  • ​Shift your perceptions on how you see the world, yourself and the people around you. Dissolve attachments to an identity of who you think you are based on the past, creating a maturation process for you to align with who you were born to be.
  • ​Shift the energy field and frequency you are standing in and emitting to the world which can shift how the world responds to you and flows and expresses itself through you.
  • ​Gain clarity and insight to what you don’t want and what you DO want.
  • ​Experience the energy and vitality to make the changes you need to make to honour yourself and truth.
  • ​Unfurl a deep connection to source and a greater field of possibility.
How We Are Going To Do It
We are going to do one guided meditations together every day for 21 days. We will come together as a group, reconnecting to dream and visions we may have forgotten for our future.

But don’t take it from me. 
Here’s what other people are saying about my work

“Authentic, loving, supportive. Nicky speaks straight from her heart to yours. And what she says is worth listening to.” 


“If you are struggling with anything in your life,
Nicky can help. ”


The best time for new beginnings is now. 

Step into your future, reclaim your inner power, and end this year on a high note with 21 Days of Expansion. 

The actions you take now will set the tone for everything that follows. 

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to start growing into your new year from the place of peace, love, and tranquility - and sign up for 21 Days of Expansion.
or pay via PayPal by clicking the button below

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