Activating an Inner Revolution: Break Free of the Past and Birth a New Future 


Dear Friend,
If you’d like to unlock the full potential of who you really are – beyond the story of your past...

If you’d like to transform your relationships with your family, your friends, your significant other… your work… and your identity...

If you’d like to learn how to heal and dissolve trauma...

And if you’d like to experience true freedom and inner peace…

Then this will be the most important message you will ever read. Here’s why:

For many people, this year has just been the most stressful and overwhelming experience they’ve ever had. 
And no wonder – we are on the brink of a massive shift that will forever change the fabric of reality. 

And what does that mean for you? 

Well, the answer is simple. You see, most people, even though they’re doing their best, are just trying to coast, cope with reality, and mentally hunker down until the dust settles…
But what if it never does?
What if I told you that we, as species, are on the precipice of one of the most radical shifts in consciousness since the dawn of time?
And one of the symptoms (and proofs) that it’s already happening is the fact that we are witnessing a real train-wreck in slow motion on a global scale – the collapse of the old and ineffective systems. Systems that brought humanity nothing but a chronic sense of craving for more and more.
Bottom line is – there are only two ways you can come out of this situation – and that is either surviving... or... thriving.

And I’m here today because I want to help you pierce the veil to create an opening for transformation so that you’re not just going to survive all that chaos...
But also help you tap into the infinite power already within you as a human being.
  • So if you’re tired of the endless chase for more and more…
  • If you’re tired of trying to feed the forever hungry ghosts of your mind (which are never truly satiated)…
  • If you’re tired of pushing against the wall in your pursuit of success and happiness… and… 
  • If you’re tired of the old paradigm of working yourself to the bone just to get where you want to be – only to feel like you’re quite not there yet...
Then you are in the right place.

Please read this message carefully. Every word is true and it has taken me the better part of my lifetime to discover what I am now going to reveal to you. 

Forget Everything You’ve Learned About How Difficult It Is To Change Your Life!

Before we move on – allow me to ask you a question…
How many times have you tried to make a change in your life?
And I’m talking about a real change. Not just an empty “New Year’s resolution” – but a real, lasting shift.
Well, if you’re like most people, it probably took you some time and it was not easy.
I mean, the idea is simple and it all sounds easy as pie.
Just find someone that can show you the way – prepare a plan – act on it… and… change your life! Sounds easy enough, right?
But the reality is – it’s not always that simple
For some reason, it always seems like trying to make big changes in our lives is an uphill battle.
And I’m sure that you’ve tried many things before – affirmations, meditations, therapy, vision boards, etc… 
And when you really wanted that change to happen, you probably threw everything but the kitchen sink at the issue... and it still wouldn’t budge. Right?
Well, if that sounds familiar – you’re not alone.
Millions of people all around the globe are experiencing the same thing. Why is that? The answer is simple: you see…
You’ve probably heard that in order to change your reality you must first change the way you think – right?
And it does make sense. After all – our minds are really powerful devices of creation. However...
From my experience of working with thousands and thousands of people - focusing only on transforming the mind is simply not enough.
Now, let me ask you something... does denying reality… or resisting what is… actually work?
Does repeating the “I am enough” affirmations over and over again in front of your bathroom mirror ever make you feel like you actually are enough? 
You and I both know the answer.
Traditional “self-actualization” or “self-help” simply does not work.
And that’s because working only on the mind rarely brings lasting results.
Sure – it can make you feel better… But real transformation is not about trying to feel better. 
So what is it all about?

The Key To It All

You see, real transformation is all about shifting the space from which you generate life. 
It’s about altering your entire field of being so that you can experience life from the place of absolute freedom, abundance, love and flow. 
And the best part?
It’s actually not that hard. 
There, I said it.
Listen: it’s the pushing against the wall that keeps you stuck. 
It’s the “clench-your-teeth-and-push-through” mentality that prevents you from moving forward. 
The truth is – as soon as you release the attachments to your past… and… outgrow the old aspects of yourself that don’t serve you anymore – you will accelerate your progress by years
And that means more freedom, more happiness, more success, and more inner peace.
Because the reality of the situation is: change is not hard – your attachment to your story is.

Introducing: The Body-Mind Maturation Method

The human mind is all about the story – and that means the perceptions that generate your reality.  And it’s the nature of how your mind projects the past into the present that keeps you stuck in the state of survival.
The problem is – everyone is obsessed with working on the mind. 
I bet you hear it all the time...
“Just change your mindset!” 
 “It’s all in your head!”
However... as you probably realise by now – there is more to transformation than just changing the way you think.
Not that there's anything wrong with it…
But it is simply not enough.
I’ve been working with clients for over a decade as a Master Maturation Coach and Mentor in the field of Ontology (which is the scientific study of the human condition) and…
I've developed a unique procedure for helping people transform their lives… and... outgrow who they think they are – called The Body-Mind Maturation Method.
In The Body-Mind Maturation Method, our work in relation to the mind is about breaking you free from the past so that you are in the present... and... you can create a new future from there.
However, if we only did that in the mind… we’d cut off the experiential side of life – and life is experiential.
In other words – life is not just about thinking and imagining – it’s about interacting with the world. 
Makes sense, right?
And guess what? The only vehicle for interacting with the world that you have over here on this earth is your body. 
That’s why we focus both on the mind – and the body.
And that doesn’t mean doing yoga or pilates. Not at all.
Maturation in the body is about dissolving the attachments of memory – emotional memory – that create that familiarity of who you know yourself to be.
It’s about dissolving the attachment to the identity of who you think you are.
Now, the body part is where we truly start to dissolve that attachment and shift the matter. We literally change the field of the experience of yourself.
And when we work both on the mind and the body – it allows you to experience a metamorphosis of actually outgrowing your old self.
To sum it up – the Body-Mind Maturation Method allows you to outgrow the identity of yourself. And not just by thoughts – but in real experience as well.

Look – you can't just do the mental part without the body part. It has to work together

Then please know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. 

The only thing that is wrong is the way that we were taught to “deal” with these things. 

And that is by huffing, puffing, and trying harder… or… by giving up and becoming addicted to coping mechanisms such as alcohol, sex, drugs, or social media. 

Because none of those coping mechanisms actually work beyond providing a short-term “high” that quickly fades and only leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
But there is a way out of this vicious cycle. 
And before we talk about the way out – let’s take a closer look at our lives as human beings in modern society.

There Are No Accidents – If You're Reading This Page, 
Then You're Here For A Reason

They say that the modern human being can truly have it all. 
Assuming by “it all” they mean anxiety, depression, constant stress, guilt over not being productive enough at work, guilt over not being there for everything for their kids, getting off work and not even getting a chance to sit down before having to start dinner, dishes, laundry, then feeling guilty for being too tired to have sex and just wanting 5 minutes where no one is needing their constant care and attention... 
That’s what “it all” is, right?
And the worst part of all, is everyone you meet will act like this is perfectly normal and you should not be falling apart. 

Well – I know it may sound outrageous right now – but it doesn’t have to be that way.

You see, I really believe that life is supposed to be a beautiful experience of creation and love – and not a stressful rollercoaster of one existential crisis after another.

Listen: if you’re a woman – I know that the world expects you to work like you don’t have children and raise children as if you don’t work… But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

These are the remnants of the old, crumbling system. And with the right roadmap – you’ll be able to break free from being measured by impossible standards and set on a course to freedom and fulfilment.

And if you’re a man – I know very well that the so-called “modern society” expects you to never show a slightest sight of self-doubt or weakness… and always confidently act as if you have to carry the entire world on your shoulders… 

But again – it doesn’t have to be that way. 

And I’m here today to show you the path to freedom.

I’ll Guide You Step By Step 
Into Your Personal Transformation

No matter your gender, background, nationality or cultural heritage – the Body-Mind Maturation Method will allow you to finally break free from the chains of the past.

And that includes freedom from the obsolete, broken paradigms of the old world.

Listen: maybe you’ve made a decision to just coast in your job… or your relationship… or your life…

And that is just a natural reaction to the absolutely overwhelming transformation that the world is currently undergoing through. 
But I’m here today to tell you something very, very important. And that is:
You are the one that has the power. 
You are the one that creates the expansion – and the shift happens inside you first.

You have forgotten – but it’s time to remember.
It’s time to remember that freedom is your birthright – and you are worth it.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Give Me 21 Days And I’ll Give You More Freedom And  More Inner Power Than You’ve Ever Dreamed Of

The best and easiest way to benefit from the amazing Body-Mind Maturation Method is by following a proven step-by-step system that will walk you through this transformational process.

And I have designed such a system – it’s called 21 Days of Expansion.
Listen, here’s the thing: most programs are teaching you simply to put a band-aid over your issues while ignoring the root problem. But not this one. 
I’ve designed 21 Days of Expansion to help you turn a fun challenge into a real transformation – while also allowing you to eliminate the root cause of all your problems.
It’s an interactive programme specifically designed for you and it will help you finally claim the life you deserve.
Every day for 21 days straight – you will receive direct training from me in a premium, studio-quality audio format that is easy to follow and understand.
It’s designed for maximum results in minimum time – and the fact that it’s 21 days long is not an accident. 

The 21 day transformation process originates from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). 

This ancient, time-tested practice will allow you to leverage the benefits of the Body-Mind Maturation Method and change your life in 21 days or less.

Something To Look Forward Each Day
In just three weeks, I will personally guide you to a positive change and a massive personal transformation using the powerful Body-Mind Maturation Method.

This unique training will help you let go of painful experiences from your past and dissolve trauma... so that you’ll be able to experience life from an entirely new perspective – free of anxiety, stress, and emotional reactions to triggers.

21 Days of Expansion will help you create a new and better future by helping you let go of the past. 
There are no boring or difficult exercises to do and no hair-brained formulas to learn. No pointless affirmations or “positive thinking”.

That’s because this training is not about trying to feel better...

It’s about creating a real and lasting change in your life to help you become who you were born to be.

It will allow you to tap into an endless source of vital energy and help you expand far beyond who you think you are.

Just imagine living a life where there are no limits… 

  • no more fear… no more stress and worry…
  • No more chasing after the next thing…
  • No more searching for that one thing that’ll silence the incessant inner voice of dissatisfaction…
  • No more running away from the past…
  • No more being a slave to your mind… your body… or your environment.
21 Days of Expansion will help you dissolve any old limiting beliefs that you might have and help you create a foundation of unshakeable confidence and self-love.
It will allow you to finally live the life you were meant to live.

Total freedom from the noise of the mind and the chains of your past in a breathtakingly short time. That’s the promise of this programme.

But don’t take it from me. 
Here’s what other people are saying about my work

“Authentic, loving, supportive. Nicky speaks straight from her heart to yours. And what she says is worth listening to.” 


“If you are struggling with anything in your life, Nicky can help. She has a rare gift of being able to guide you gently to the core of your blocks, and with tenderness and love helps you transform.”


Let Your Present Be Your Future

The cost of having a certified Maturation Coach work with you every day for 21 days straight is anywhere between $2100.00 and $6400.00
And that may also involve the cost of traveling to their office.

Now, naturally I’m not going to charge you $2100.00… 

Actually, this unique programme is much more affordable.
In fact, it’s less than 10% of that price and yet it is one of our most… if not THE most impactful digital coaching programme that we offer.

The 21 Days of Expansion Programme is now available for just £21.
That’s even less than half a cup of coffee a day.

You might be thinking... why am I giving it away virtually for free?

The answer is simple: you see, this year has been really rough for so many of us... and I want to help you turn 2021 around and share the gift of maturation with as many people as possible.

And I cannot do that by charging people regular fees of hundreds or even thousands of dollars. 
So that’s why the 21 Days of Expansion Programme is just a tiny investment of £21.
But this special offer will not be available forever. 

As a matter of fact, it’s only available until December 1st 2021.

I invite you to take action now, while the idea is still fresh in your mind. Simply click on the button below and claim your membership now. 

We’ll begin the 21 Days of Expansion Challenge together with an extra LIVE online training on Wednesday, December 1st. Make sure you don’t miss out and sign up now.

Opportunity Is Not Just Knocking At Your Door…
It's Almost Knocking Your Door Down!

The 21 Days of Expansion Programme comes in a premium, studio-quality audio format that is easy to use and available on all platforms: PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android.

Starting from December 1st 2021, every day for 21 days you will receive one special lesson to absorb and integrate from the comfort of your own home.

These lessons are about 30 minutes long and require you to find a comfortable spot where you can relax, close your eyes, and just follow the teachings.

Along with all the audio materials, you will also receive access to our Secret Online Community where you’ll be able to connect and interact with other like-minded people who are just like you. 
But that’s not all.
You will also receive special access to our Virtual Accountability Coaching system. 

You see, one of our main concerns was making sure that our members actually go through the entire programme – from start to finish – and we know that juggling various life responsibilities can be hard at times.

So we’ve designed a system that will hold your hand and invite you to participate in the training every single day at a specific hour. 

That way you won’t have to set reminders or keep it in your mind during the day when you’re busy. 

Anyway – here’s a quick recap of everything that you’re getting with this transformational programme:

The 21 Days of Expansion Programme

22 days (including the introduction day) of Premium Studio-Quality Audio Recordings

Access to Secret Online Community

FOUR Live Group Coaching Sessions

With Master Maturation Coach Nicky Clinch

Virtual Accountability Coaching


Daily journaling questions and powerful inquiry processes

You will have access to this for the rest of your life 

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